Friday, July 27, 2012

Real Love

Captain Sex Kitten is camping out, y'all. I'm out in the woods, finding myself in nature, blazing up the trails. It's good for the soul and stuff. I'm fortunate enough to be surrounded this week by a whole group of like-minded folks, camp-mates from all walks of life who are into the idea of taking a break from the norm, regrouping a bit, and of course stopping to smell the beautiful flowers along the the trail. 

We are all reading a book called "Real Love," by Greg Baer. A couple of my dear friends already have a lot of experience working with this text, as they run a recovery clinic and share this with their patients. They have also worked directly with the author to develop a workshop curriculum, and we're lucky enough to be taken under their wings for a "short course" on the material this week. Never underestimate the importance of looking into your heart and checking things out once in a while - re-establishing your emotional boundaries and making more conscious choices about the way you communicate with everyone you interact with, but especially those you have close relationships with. 

Real Love is basically caring about the happiness of another person, any other person but especially those you are close to, without expecting anything in return. The process of finding real love within yourself first, and then offering it to others, is not always easy. It requires the ability to tell the Truth about yourself, which can be difficult, but once you do that, it's easy to progress to being truly Seen. When somebody hears your truth, they see you in a different way and you can be truly understood. When somebody understands where you are coming from, they Accept you for who you really are, and can offer Real Love. 

Working through this process is a different journey for everyone, and can be very emotionally intense. It helps to have a guide, such as this book and/or people like my friends who facilitate this workshop. It helps to have at least one to three other friends who are willing to honestly go through this process together.

Whether you do it at your kitchen table, in your favorite cafe, or in a breathtaking valley in the Virginia highlands, the process of finding Real Love is a definite yellow-brick-road to peace and well-being. If that sounds good to you, I highly recommend this spectacular trail, the view is amazing! I am grateful to be surrounded by so many compassionate souls striving to work together to make the world a much better place.

Here is a link to the Real Love website: 

Would you like more information about where to find a Real Love course in central KY? Email and I'll hook you up. xo 

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